Monday, October 22, 2007

Don't ask, I wouldn't know how to tell

So today i was thinking about how the world itself can be seen, as most know, in two ways when you look with a very wide range. Everyone knows about pesimisim and optimism, but when you think about it even when forced to put views into two seperate groups isnt enough. In school you are taught to see things the way the state tells those who care for you to teach it. There is no area on tests to write in your own answer, even when you are asked for your opinion if it is too distant from the point they are trying to make then you are either passed over or corrected. After school in life you see things change but the margins move very little. Why is it that in this world where everything is so open and free, we have so few variations of the choices we can make.

I will not argue that ones life cannot become great. I will, however, argue that without extreme confidence in oneself, which so few of us have, that the life we so desperately yearn for can and will never become real. For a nation of people so eager to label themselves citizens of the greatest country in the world, we lack the very trait necessary to fulfill such remarks. I will never understand the inner workings of the human mind nor do I intend to waste any time attempting to uncover the smallest of clues to begin the unraveling. I will say, understanding how ignorant I must sound and agreeing that i have no valid reason for doing so (but who cares what you think this is my damned blog), that for a nation where arrogance and ignorance are the most common mindsets we are pretty far from where we should stand.

I don't really have anything more to say understanding that what i have written above is relatively broken and misguided. I am going to end my rant here before I become completely incoherent in my writing. Enjoy, or get lost. Whichever works better for you i suppose.

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