I have discovered a rather valuable tool for discovering things about people that you may never find out otherwise. This tool is a question, a question that despite its seemingly harmless composure provides a rather powerful result. However be wary that you may hear things you don't want to know about the person you are speaking to. Be prepared for things you may never have expected. Now that I have provided a sufficient amount of suspense I suppose I can tell you what this magical question is. Are you ready? Do you think you can handle this? Can you feel the pure intensity of the knowledge you are about to receive? Sorry. Here it is.
Consider this situation. You are on a bus, this bus is filled with a wide variety of people including children, elderly, murderers, rapists, humanitarians, members of the peace core and by this point I am sure you get the point. The bus is going to drive off of a cliff, by accident. you and you alone are aware of this. As far as everyone else is concerned this is a normal bus ride and they are all going to make it to their destination on time without any problems. You know who the good people are as well as the bad, you are aware of their crimes and achievements. There is no way for you to stop the bus and if you say anything about the accident the only result will be everyone assuming you are crazy. You do however have the power to take the lives of those around you without causing them pain or their being aware. Now here is the question. What do you do? If you take their lives, whose do you take if any? If not why?
I guarantee you look at the person differently starting the second they answer the question.
Have fun.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Well here's a surprise
Among the many, many things in this world that make me furious and sometimes even nauseas there is a small collection of things that I enjoy. I must apologize, however, this is probably going to be my shortest post ever. That was a little attempt at humor. And now I am both telling unfunny jokes at my own expense and talking to myself through a diary-like website. If this was a dating site this would be the point where, if you were a girl, you realized that if men like me exist; lesbians are your last hope at happiness. By now you may have realized that I am merely doing this to take up space in an attempt to make me look less depressing when i realize the part about what i enjoy in life, is only about 2 paragraphs long. And now to quote a song that is far before my time and probably far beyond my understanding, let the good times roll.
Writing has always put me at ease no matter what is going wrong in my life. It has a way of putting me at ease much in the same way a warm shower soothes you after a difficult day of work. I have always found some comfort in being able to put a piece of myself into words and occasionally sharing it for the amusement, or better yet aggravation, of others. A large portion of my writing, which i don't do here, is inspired by the books i read. Which is part two of my likes.
Books have always been important to me, and in many ways have made me who I am today. I am relatively picky about the books I read. In my younger years i dabbled in a bit of everything. However it wasn't until I was in eighth grade and I read "Enders Game" by Orson Scott Card that I found my true calling. The book I am referring to is of the science fiction genre. This furthered my interest in this specific area of reading, and later on in my life writing, so I looked a little further into it and expanded my area of enjoyment. I then read the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy by the ever popular J.R.R Tolkien. Who regrettably has been undermined by the also talented Peter Jackson, who did a fantastic job with the movies yet he does not deserve as much credit as he was given and is most definitely not as talented as Mr. Tolkien himself. But that is a rant for another time.
After having read the trilogy I began reading other books of the fantasy genre and discovered i was, in fact. A total nerd. Once I came to terms with this i found the two authors that have inspired almost everything i have written to date, minus all you see here this is 100 percent me and no one else. The two authors I speak of are the inventive John Scalzi and the imaginative Terry Brooks. I was turned on to both, at separate times, by a family member who has a similar taste in literature. I first read "Old Man's War" by John Scalzi which is a Sci-fi book and i fell in love with the idea, the characters and everything else that came with it. I then read the remaining books in the series and I have become a life-long Scalzi fan. After having read these i began writing stories of my own and i have continued ever since. I then read "Armageddons Children" by Terry Brooks which was a sort of futuristic fantasy book and I am currently reading the second book in the trilogy along with other series he has masterminded. His writing has made me envious of him and has shown me that writing is more than just an ability. It is an extension of your creativity, your being and in some ways your soul.
There are some minor things that I enjoy in this life such as music, so long as it has a message even if that message is that there is no message. I enjoy people in general, much like the court system with me you are great until proven worthless. I also love being able to have people close to me that will here out my very much unnecessary rants and will always sit patiently and intently as I read my latest literary creation. I love being able to make people laugh and to be with people who will do the same for me. Other than that I am a rather cynical person who enjoys the misfortune of others so long as it isn't life altering. Unless, of course, it was deserved in one way or another.
And that my avid readers is all for now. And as always, if you don't like what you see that don't mean shit to me.
Writing has always put me at ease no matter what is going wrong in my life. It has a way of putting me at ease much in the same way a warm shower soothes you after a difficult day of work. I have always found some comfort in being able to put a piece of myself into words and occasionally sharing it for the amusement, or better yet aggravation, of others. A large portion of my writing, which i don't do here, is inspired by the books i read. Which is part two of my likes.
Books have always been important to me, and in many ways have made me who I am today. I am relatively picky about the books I read. In my younger years i dabbled in a bit of everything. However it wasn't until I was in eighth grade and I read "Enders Game" by Orson Scott Card that I found my true calling. The book I am referring to is of the science fiction genre. This furthered my interest in this specific area of reading, and later on in my life writing, so I looked a little further into it and expanded my area of enjoyment. I then read the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy by the ever popular J.R.R Tolkien. Who regrettably has been undermined by the also talented Peter Jackson, who did a fantastic job with the movies yet he does not deserve as much credit as he was given and is most definitely not as talented as Mr. Tolkien himself. But that is a rant for another time.
After having read the trilogy I began reading other books of the fantasy genre and discovered i was, in fact. A total nerd. Once I came to terms with this i found the two authors that have inspired almost everything i have written to date, minus all you see here this is 100 percent me and no one else. The two authors I speak of are the inventive John Scalzi and the imaginative Terry Brooks. I was turned on to both, at separate times, by a family member who has a similar taste in literature. I first read "Old Man's War" by John Scalzi which is a Sci-fi book and i fell in love with the idea, the characters and everything else that came with it. I then read the remaining books in the series and I have become a life-long Scalzi fan. After having read these i began writing stories of my own and i have continued ever since. I then read "Armageddons Children" by Terry Brooks which was a sort of futuristic fantasy book and I am currently reading the second book in the trilogy along with other series he has masterminded. His writing has made me envious of him and has shown me that writing is more than just an ability. It is an extension of your creativity, your being and in some ways your soul.
There are some minor things that I enjoy in this life such as music, so long as it has a message even if that message is that there is no message. I enjoy people in general, much like the court system with me you are great until proven worthless. I also love being able to have people close to me that will here out my very much unnecessary rants and will always sit patiently and intently as I read my latest literary creation. I love being able to make people laugh and to be with people who will do the same for me. Other than that I am a rather cynical person who enjoys the misfortune of others so long as it isn't life altering. Unless, of course, it was deserved in one way or another.
And that my avid readers is all for now. And as always, if you don't like what you see that don't mean shit to me.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Religion and... Conformity?
So I have never and will never claim to be a very religious person. I have never read the bible, My train of thought usually wanders on the rare occasion that I go to church, and praying has always seemed a little much for me. I will never tell someone that having faith or that being religious is wrong and I believe it is wonderful to believe in something. However it is my personal opinion that religion was created to bring hope in times of despair, to give people something to believe in when everything else is wrong, and to bring a ray of light in the darkest of times. To this day in many places it still does that, however it does other things as well. From what I know most religions have a deity of sorts. And usually these higher beings preach forgiveness and love. If this is true, then why is it that since the dawn of time no two people of different beliefs have been able to see each other as equals, instead they fight as enemies. I am, of course, exaggerating and I am well aware that there are people all over of different beliefs and religions that live in harmony together. But there are all too many of those who don't, and i am about fed up with it.
In what church do you hear a priest say that the jews have forsaken us all? In what synagogue have you heard that the Muslims are the epitome of all evil? If you read far enough into any of the original scripts of any religion, you will see all of this. These beliefs may bring hope and peace to the few, but they bring hate and rage to the many. How many of us are guilty of being nervous when we see a person of Arabic composure in an airport? Most people are. i have not flown since before then so I cannot judge, but we all do it. It is wrong, but prejudice and a religious superiority complex tell us it is right. I have abandoned my Christian heritage and taken up an ancient Chinese belief known as Taoism. this tells us that the path to nirvana is through one self, and that the higher being you look to in times of need is found within, not above. I do not intend on trying to sell this to any of you, however i would encourage you to see things through your owns eyes and not how you are told to or even how everyone else sees them. Try thinking for yourself, it's a blast.
That's all. And no, I don't care if you disagree.
In what church do you hear a priest say that the jews have forsaken us all? In what synagogue have you heard that the Muslims are the epitome of all evil? If you read far enough into any of the original scripts of any religion, you will see all of this. These beliefs may bring hope and peace to the few, but they bring hate and rage to the many. How many of us are guilty of being nervous when we see a person of Arabic composure in an airport? Most people are. i have not flown since before then so I cannot judge, but we all do it. It is wrong, but prejudice and a religious superiority complex tell us it is right. I have abandoned my Christian heritage and taken up an ancient Chinese belief known as Taoism. this tells us that the path to nirvana is through one self, and that the higher being you look to in times of need is found within, not above. I do not intend on trying to sell this to any of you, however i would encourage you to see things through your owns eyes and not how you are told to or even how everyone else sees them. Try thinking for yourself, it's a blast.
That's all. And no, I don't care if you disagree.
I apologize for not having written for a while. It has been a rather busy and hectic summer for me, theres no doubt that it was fun however fun takes some serious work. But now that I am here we can revert back to our regularly scheduled bitching and moaning. So let it begin.
I was laying in bed this very evening and was thinking about a few things, one being how MTV makes me 1; hate music, 2; hate television, and 3; want to punch babies. I am sure it has taken some serious work and I know that they weren't always like this. But they have successfully ruined all that was good about music. I of course still love music, I will not however listen to anything that MTV decides to play more than once on the air.
Now it is my opinion that there is no such thing as bad music, Just because you don't enjoy something doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. It is just not something you may find appealing. However, when one plays something continuously it becomes annoying and eventually painful. To top off the incredibly genius procedure they have aggravating pricks decide what musci is played. these people have changed over the years. The first and very possibly worst of these people, was Carson Daily. I believe that his name alone is enough to explain how much of a douche he really was, and to this day still is. I would like very much to say that things from there got worse, however I do not believe that such an action is possible. But to say the least, having One hit wonder rappers and talentless members of boy bands announce who their favorite artists are is not only disgusting, but could also be considered an insult to music itself.
Now at this point I would like to talk about Sellouts. The definition I am speaking of refers to musicians who change their image or their sound or sometimes even both just to make more money and appeal to the "flow" crowd. "Flow" members are people who listen only to the most popular music and change their interests when popular TV hosts tell them to, hence going with the flow. And yes there are those of you that will say "Hey man are you telling me that you would turn down more money? No you wouldn't so don't tell me you would." Here is my response. Yes i would turn down more money if it meant doing something that wasn't really me. Something that I wasn't known for. I am going to school to be a teacher asshole, I am the wrong fucking person to talk to about money. Music is meant to be played from the heart, successful musicians become that way by playing the music that came to them. Not by playing what someone else discovered. And I know not everyone can be original, but they can at least make it seem like they tried. And before you respond to this you should know, that if you decide to comment on how you like MTV or TRL, or if you think that N'SYNC, Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers are "Super Great". I am fine with you having opinions, but if you share those specific ones with me; I will find you and attack you with a hammer. And if you think I wont, try me.
For right now thats all for me. This is rant enough for the time being. I hope you enjoyed it. And if not as always, go to hell.
I was laying in bed this very evening and was thinking about a few things, one being how MTV makes me 1; hate music, 2; hate television, and 3; want to punch babies. I am sure it has taken some serious work and I know that they weren't always like this. But they have successfully ruined all that was good about music. I of course still love music, I will not however listen to anything that MTV decides to play more than once on the air.
Now it is my opinion that there is no such thing as bad music, Just because you don't enjoy something doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. It is just not something you may find appealing. However, when one plays something continuously it becomes annoying and eventually painful. To top off the incredibly genius procedure they have aggravating pricks decide what musci is played. these people have changed over the years. The first and very possibly worst of these people, was Carson Daily. I believe that his name alone is enough to explain how much of a douche he really was, and to this day still is. I would like very much to say that things from there got worse, however I do not believe that such an action is possible. But to say the least, having One hit wonder rappers and talentless members of boy bands announce who their favorite artists are is not only disgusting, but could also be considered an insult to music itself.
Now at this point I would like to talk about Sellouts. The definition I am speaking of refers to musicians who change their image or their sound or sometimes even both just to make more money and appeal to the "flow" crowd. "Flow" members are people who listen only to the most popular music and change their interests when popular TV hosts tell them to, hence going with the flow. And yes there are those of you that will say "Hey man are you telling me that you would turn down more money? No you wouldn't so don't tell me you would." Here is my response. Yes i would turn down more money if it meant doing something that wasn't really me. Something that I wasn't known for. I am going to school to be a teacher asshole, I am the wrong fucking person to talk to about money. Music is meant to be played from the heart, successful musicians become that way by playing the music that came to them. Not by playing what someone else discovered. And I know not everyone can be original, but they can at least make it seem like they tried. And before you respond to this you should know, that if you decide to comment on how you like MTV or TRL, or if you think that N'SYNC, Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers are "Super Great". I am fine with you having opinions, but if you share those specific ones with me; I will find you and attack you with a hammer. And if you think I wont, try me.
For right now thats all for me. This is rant enough for the time being. I hope you enjoyed it. And if not as always, go to hell.
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