Monday, August 18, 2008

Religion and... Conformity?

So I have never and will never claim to be a very religious person. I have never read the bible, My train of thought usually wanders on the rare occasion that I go to church, and praying has always seemed a little much for me. I will never tell someone that having faith or that being religious is wrong and I believe it is wonderful to believe in something. However it is my personal opinion that religion was created to bring hope in times of despair, to give people something to believe in when everything else is wrong, and to bring a ray of light in the darkest of times. To this day in many places it still does that, however it does other things as well. From what I know most religions have a deity of sorts. And usually these higher beings preach forgiveness and love. If this is true, then why is it that since the dawn of time no two people of different beliefs have been able to see each other as equals, instead they fight as enemies. I am, of course, exaggerating and I am well aware that there are people all over of different beliefs and religions that live in harmony together. But there are all too many of those who don't, and i am about fed up with it.

In what church do you hear a priest say that the jews have forsaken us all? In what synagogue have you heard that the Muslims are the epitome of all evil? If you read far enough into any of the original scripts of any religion, you will see all of this. These beliefs may bring hope and peace to the few, but they bring hate and rage to the many. How many of us are guilty of being nervous when we see a person of Arabic composure in an airport? Most people are. i have not flown since before then so I cannot judge, but we all do it. It is wrong, but prejudice and a religious superiority complex tell us it is right. I have abandoned my Christian heritage and taken up an ancient Chinese belief known as Taoism. this tells us that the path to nirvana is through one self, and that the higher being you look to in times of need is found within, not above. I do not intend on trying to sell this to any of you, however i would encourage you to see things through your owns eyes and not how you are told to or even how everyone else sees them. Try thinking for yourself, it's a blast.

That's all. And no, I don't care if you disagree.

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