Saturday, November 3, 2007

As you get older things become more realistic and less imaginative. Things that were once chores are your way of relaxing, and life itself is a race rather than an adventure. I miss the days of childhood where waking up at 7 in the morning was awesome because you had that much more of the day to enjoy; now waking up at seven is a curse and your day of fun is spent in an office where smiles are not allowed. Back then watching t.v was so you could enjoy a good laugh or watch your favorite superheroes save the world; now watching t.v is to be informed about the weather or what's happening in the world. Why can't we just forget sometimes, just let ourselves get whisked away for a night . Be overcome by some crazy dream and imagine the world as our playground. Responsibilities are there yes, but the imagination does not have to die with adulthood. I firmly believe, as young and naive as i am, that we should never stop being children; no matter how old we are.

Why is it that to be successful and to be what society needs of you, you have to abandon your inner child? Why not embrace them? Why not let them remain? Is it really so bad to be young at heart? to be playful and curious and imaginative?

I am only 18, honestly I don't know a lot and you will never catch me saying i do. But as little as I know and as many times as I have heard the words "grow up, theres no future in being an immature dreamer." i will never stop dreaming and I will never let go of the kid i used to be. Because truthfully, without that kid I wouldn't survive. The world is too serious of a place and without a little fun in your life I cannot see how people can live. Laughter is the most contagious thing in the world, it's also one of the healthiest. Yet it's astonishing how little you see it in the world today. With so many horrible things happening both inside and outside of the country it's surprising that people can laugh. I, however, believe that despite the horrible evils of the world that laughter can and should prevail and it's the inner child that provokes it.

I have been a rather dark and some-what depressing blogger so far and I'm sure there will be quite a few more written with the same pessimistic point of view. But for now this is what I am going to say to you. Being a serious person is great, it shows that you have matured since high school and become a man/woman of promise and success. But being that person all the time every day? Come on, thats wrong whats the point of even being alive if you're not going to enjoy life every once in a while. So what i have to say to you is this; don't be that person who looks at life as one more business meeting, or one more chore. Look at life as an adventure, as another day in the amazing life and times of you.

I think that we start off as children for two reasons. One being that a full grown man would make pregnancy not only a bitch, but also rare. And two; the way a child looks at the world, is the way it's meant to be seen, as a wonderful place where anything is possible and the only way to live life is to simply enjoy.

1 comment:

tired of it said...

It comes full circle love, it really does. Life is an adventure - it's a damn good trip. Buckle up!