Friday, January 16, 2009

Whether they understand it or not each person has a set list of things they would like to accomplish in their life. This list is edited as time goes on, and eventually you are left with a document littered with check-marks and scribbles, or for those of us with class; white-out. However despite the editing the basic flow never really changes. There are the pipe-dreams, the obvious, the hopes, and of course the 'avoid at all costs'. Being as young as I am the final print of my list has yet to even be drafted. However I have a few things looming around my hope column. One, as I am sure you could have discovered on your own by now, would be to get published one day. I am not exactly trying with all my heart to accomplish that goal seeing as how very little of my writing is finished, even these posts that I leave for you are incomplete. I just write until i start pulling at my hair and gnawing on my arms and legs, and once I draw blood I publish the post. So at this point my writing is not so much to further myself but more to keep myself from becoming deformed, any more than already.

But I always find it interesting to ask people about their dreams and such. The answers are occasionally interesting, although mostly they are just repetitive. An answer that I frequently encounter and one I have grown to hate considerably is; "I don't know, I don't think about these things." ....... This is normally the part where I turn several shades of red and proceed to beat the person in question unmercifully with a phone book, in my head of course.

I suppose it's just me, but I truly believe that a person should have some idea of what they want to establish in their life time. I mean yeah, there are those hidden talents that we don't discover until later on in life, but it's not like everything we do as children and teenagers just leaves us once we enter the real world. Right?

What if, for arguments sake we said that the previous statement was true. How could anyone be productive or successful. We don't just leave college and say, alright time to acquire some skills. What we do is a result of who we are, these things don't just appear. These things are given to us, for the most part, at birth. So stop being nearsighted assholes. Look somewhat to the future, because there's nothing to see in the present that can't be seen in the past.

So for all of you who believe I may some day ask you this question. Think about it. Because the next time I receive an "I don't know" I may very well be carrying a phone book.

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