Alright I'm back. I understand it has been a while and you probably have lost interest in my senseless ramblings and dire attempts at humor. That being said I'm going to be moving in a different direction and will be creating a new blog to move forward with. I will be adding entries more often and if you're lucky they might actually be interesting. That being said I feel as though I should leave you all with something to remember this part of our time together, I know how special it was to you. So if you will direct your eyes to the writing below we can begin with the end.
I have found, over my vast number of life experiences in my twenty one years, that there are only three real truths in this world. Now before I reveal these truths to you I must first tell you that I really have no idea what I'm talking about and roughly eighty five percent of everything I say is B.S. Not to say that it's not damn good B.S, but that doesn't change what it is. So now that I've gotten the disclaimer out of the way, I'll continue.
The first real truth in this world is a pretty basic one. It is simply that dreams do come true, but not without a fair amount of effort on the part of the dreamer. As simple and obvious as this first truth may be, most people aren't fully aware of the second part. Which is kind of sickening. Thinking that people, young and even old, can expect something good to happen with little to no effort on their part. Not to say that i hasn't happened to me, or anyone else for that matter, but those of us with brain cells remaining are quick to realize that effort is required. And thus the first truth is presented before you. Whether you are aware of it's presence is up to you. Personally I don't really care if you are aware just know that if that's the case, I'm judging you.
The second truth is not as well known but pretty basic none-the-less. It states that people generally aren't bad. Now before you get uppity and start bitching about terrorists and what not, understand that there are exceptions here, just like with everything. This is probably the most important truth of the three. It stands for peace among all people. And those who embrace it live there lives as so. Again, I understand that when the wild cards are present this isn't exactly the case, but you should just work with me and stop second guessing my genius. If we could just embrace this truth we could put differences aside and just accept different creeds, races and those of varying sexual preferences. this would allow us to decrease the amount of tension between nations and cultures and eventually create a world where violence is seldom used, again wild-cards are always going to be evident in a society where free thought is granted so get over yourself and stop bringing it up. And for those of you sitting there calling me Naive and Ignorant, pay attention, our third truth applies directly to that.
The third truth, which is my favorite, is about understanding. Now for those of you who thought my last truth naive and childish I have one question for you. Give me one reason, again wild-cards don't count so move on, why people can't live in harmony, why all religions can't be accepted, and why different races and sexual preferences can't live together? And I understand that in some places this is true. But I mean on a global scale. If you're looking to save some time there is no legitimate reason. Being able to understand others and who they are is what creates relationships with one another. It's the first step for friends and the last one for lovers. At no point in our lives can we co-exist with those we don't understand. there's something unknown which makes us nervous, and from those unanswered questions comes misunderstanding and eventually fear or hatred. But if we just asked the question instead of answering it ourselves we could avoid the nerves and prevent the hate, we could find something we never expected, we could find a friend, or a love. And even if we find nothing, we still didn't find hate.
These truths have guided many people to success and happiness. Since I am still young I cannot speak of either in a familiar manner, but I feel confident that if people can stop being so damn stupid and listen to reason, we can actually make the changes revolutionaries have been grasping at for centuries.
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