Thursday, January 10, 2008

Politics should be banned

I haven't been focusing on the real reason I created this blog and I would like to apologize for that. So here's something relevant to why this world is a huge kick in the balls.

Every time politics come on the screen I consider curling up in a ball and crying. the run for president is poorly named, something more realistic might be whose the bigger liar. I also believe that even though voting is a rather to the point name its rather misleading. It is true we are voting but in truth what are we voting for, most people believe it is a leader and that is where they are wrong. The real point behind voting is to pick the biggest asshole and hope to god they can make everyone miserable and somehow in the midst of all that make sure to piss off the rest of the world and turn them against us, while simultaneously believing we are better than everyone else. Its a tough job, and thank god we have a surplus of mindless, spoiled, upper-class people to do it. Where would we be without the ignorant they truly provide a great service to this world, it kind of gives you a reason to wake up in the morning and be proud that you can trust your leaders.

For those of you who might not have caught on to that last segment that was bitter hateful sarcasm. And if you disagree I am truly sorry and hope to god that someday you can forgive me for being an intelligent, insightful and yes naive individual.

There have been countless attempts over the years by both my peers and adults to make me believe that it is good to base your entire life around what other people think and that conformity is the only way to succeed in this world. And to those people I have this to say. I respect your opinion and I take pity on your dogmatic, Nazi lifestyle.

I do agree that there are certain circumstances where what other people think can be deemed important but in know what is it understandable to change your personality or personality to please society. Now if there is a required dress code for where you work it's understandable to be like every one else in the way you dress. But as far as who you are as a person, there is no reason why that should ever be altered for any reason other than you feel it is better for you.

And if you are thinking that my thoughts are scattered and none of this is remotely related then I believe you should swan dive of a ledge into a pool of diarrhea. Voting is fine, but voting for s0meone because everyone else is, or because they are the only one in the group that doesn't make you vomit at the mere sound of their voice. That's wrong and it just shouldn't happen. I don't condone not voting, but in truth with the candidates we have to choose from I'm not a big fan of it either. I know its a bit of a Catch 22 and I sound like a hypocrite, but in reality unless you are either really conservative or really liberal, which in either case in my opinion you suck and should be tar and feathered, then voting is nothing more than a choice between getting trampled by elephants or kicked by donkeys.

Thats all for today.

1 comment:

tired of it said...

Elections are a testament to how stupid Americans are.

None of the candidates impress me.

I am going to write you in because you posted this at 3:19pm but it's only 3:04pm. THAT'S impressive.