Thursday, May 8, 2008


there is a lot to be said about relationships today. And honestly theres no way to get a straight answer and that is because there is no way to experience the good and the bad and have a leveled opinion on the subject. if a relationship is bad enough it can destroy your perspective on everything. i am not going to explain my perspective, again because i am biased just like the rest of the world. so stop asking you shit head. anyways, it is my personal opinion that relationships have the potential the be the greatest thing in the world as long as they are kept separate from everything else in life. because it is the other factors in life; friendships, family life and everything else thats important to you that destroy relationships. but only when they are melded together.

honestly i think that until marriage becomes a factor the only glimpse your "signifigant other" should have into your life, should be your family. and maybe, MAYBE if you feel really comfortable with this person and you are sure things will work out perfectly, you can then introduce them to your friends. but this should only be allowed if you are going to be able to focus on all parties at once. honestly, you can't buy two puppies, play with them both separately, but when they are together only pay attention to one. yeah i used an analogy, deal with it jackass, or better yet if you don't like it stop reading my friggen blog because ur ugly and i hate you.

so it comes down to this. if you are in a relationship, thats great. if your partner melds well with your friends thats stupendous. but if they don't, save yourself the trouble of having an issue break out. leave the ball on the field. make time for one and time for another. it has been said that relationships are the epitome of all evil, and it has also been said that they are all that can be trusted in life. the latter can be true, so long as you establish a grounds on which to walk. if not then the former is your guy. but trust me. make your love life a blessing, not a curse. do as i say. i know what i'm talking about. and if you think you can do better, go make your own blog, and do better so i can make fun of you for being a totally waste of space you fuck. there i blogged read it. i'll do it again when i feel like it. so deal.


tired of it said...

Is this why I haven't met your girlfriend?

davey p said...

Hey I did not know you blogged?

well was checking out some of your stuff and just got a few things to say/ add whatever on the "relationships" one.

I too will say I am bias as is everyone to an extent, as you already stated so take it as you will. I do agree that relationships have the potential to be the greatest thing in the world as you said however, I think that they must be involved with everything else in your life. I do not think that you can truly love someone or have someone truly love you without them loving you and everything you have.
When you say that friends, family and everything else destroys relationships I say that they make it stronger because if your friends and family support the relationship then it makes it so much easier to be in.
For example if you are going out with someone that hates all of your friends and family, that puts a huge strain on everything that you do. You will always be ditching one side for the other. Now this goes the other way as well, if a friend does not like said person you are going out with for any reason it puts a strain on everything as well for the same reason that I stated above.
When you are in a serious relationship everything that is important to you should be important to your significant other as well. That is the only way that you will make it in the long run, not by shutting each other out but by letting each other in.
Furthermore saying that you should not let your significant other see anything but maybe a “glimpse” of family until marriage is a factor is kinda ridiculous. How would you ever get to the point of considering marriage when you know so little of the person you are with?
Saying that you have to focus on the two parties at once if said person you are in a relationship with meets your friends is true you, cant just totally ditch your friends to be with a girlfriend/boyfriend but you have to understand that when another person comes into the picture your going to get a little less “playtime” with said person yourself. It really comes across as jealousy when you say that you need to keep relationships and friends totally separate and focus on both parties the same like your 6 year olds and someone is giving out lolipops and you didn’t get one. I mean shit happens and you cant always be the center of attention with someone, especially when they are in a relationship so you really have to deal with it and let them have a piece of the spotlight.
And in the person in whom this blog seems to be directed towards defense, he never shut you out but only tried to bring you in by having you hang out with him and his girl, he tried to make it work out and really wanted it to as did his girlfriend, he never ditched you for her and made the effort to keep you close and I think its too bad that you are that jealous of this new person that you refuse to let her into the group only because with her around all of the spotlight is not on you so you proceed to say that everyone should not let relationships really be apart of the rest of their lives. I’m all for making love life a blessing not a curse but I just don’t think the way you mapped out is the best way to do so.
Whatever there is my 2 cents on the subject take it as you will