Monday, August 18, 2008


I apologize for not having written for a while. It has been a rather busy and hectic summer for me, theres no doubt that it was fun however fun takes some serious work. But now that I am here we can revert back to our regularly scheduled bitching and moaning. So let it begin.

I was laying in bed this very evening and was thinking about a few things, one being how MTV makes me 1; hate music, 2; hate television, and 3; want to punch babies. I am sure it has taken some serious work and I know that they weren't always like this. But they have successfully ruined all that was good about music. I of course still love music, I will not however listen to anything that MTV decides to play more than once on the air.

Now it is my opinion that there is no such thing as bad music, Just because you don't enjoy something doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. It is just not something you may find appealing. However, when one plays something continuously it becomes annoying and eventually painful. To top off the incredibly genius procedure they have aggravating pricks decide what musci is played. these people have changed over the years. The first and very possibly worst of these people, was Carson Daily. I believe that his name alone is enough to explain how much of a douche he really was, and to this day still is. I would like very much to say that things from there got worse, however I do not believe that such an action is possible. But to say the least, having One hit wonder rappers and talentless members of boy bands announce who their favorite artists are is not only disgusting, but could also be considered an insult to music itself.

Now at this point I would like to talk about Sellouts. The definition I am speaking of refers to musicians who change their image or their sound or sometimes even both just to make more money and appeal to the "flow" crowd. "Flow" members are people who listen only to the most popular music and change their interests when popular TV hosts tell them to, hence going with the flow. And yes there are those of you that will say "Hey man are you telling me that you would turn down more money? No you wouldn't so don't tell me you would." Here is my response. Yes i would turn down more money if it meant doing something that wasn't really me. Something that I wasn't known for. I am going to school to be a teacher asshole, I am the wrong fucking person to talk to about money. Music is meant to be played from the heart, successful musicians become that way by playing the music that came to them. Not by playing what someone else discovered. And I know not everyone can be original, but they can at least make it seem like they tried. And before you respond to this you should know, that if you decide to comment on how you like MTV or TRL, or if you think that N'SYNC, Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers are "Super Great". I am fine with you having opinions, but if you share those specific ones with me; I will find you and attack you with a hammer. And if you think I wont, try me.

For right now thats all for me. This is rant enough for the time being. I hope you enjoyed it. And if not as always, go to hell.

1 comment:

tired of it said...

Does MTV even play music anymore? And punch babies? Wow. There is bad music. Come on. Hanson? Bad. Really bad. MTV has the right to decide what music to play when they do play music, you may think they are pricks, you don't have to watch it. Douche is the French word for shower. Go take one. While you're in there, wash your mouth out with soap. LOL. I love music too. Country music. I especially love a Zac Brown Band song called Sic 'Em On A Chicken where he sends his dog after a chicken and watches the feathers fly. I love me some good country.