Thursday, August 21, 2008

Can you handle the truth?

I have discovered a rather valuable tool for discovering things about people that you may never find out otherwise. This tool is a question, a question that despite its seemingly harmless composure provides a rather powerful result. However be wary that you may hear things you don't want to know about the person you are speaking to. Be prepared for things you may never have expected. Now that I have provided a sufficient amount of suspense I suppose I can tell you what this magical question is. Are you ready? Do you think you can handle this? Can you feel the pure intensity of the knowledge you are about to receive? Sorry. Here it is.

Consider this situation. You are on a bus, this bus is filled with a wide variety of people including children, elderly, murderers, rapists, humanitarians, members of the peace core and by this point I am sure you get the point. The bus is going to drive off of a cliff, by accident. you and you alone are aware of this. As far as everyone else is concerned this is a normal bus ride and they are all going to make it to their destination on time without any problems. You know who the good people are as well as the bad, you are aware of their crimes and achievements. There is no way for you to stop the bus and if you say anything about the accident the only result will be everyone assuming you are crazy. You do however have the power to take the lives of those around you without causing them pain or their being aware. Now here is the question. What do you do? If you take their lives, whose do you take if any? If not why?

I guarantee you look at the person differently starting the second they answer the question.

Have fun.

1 comment:

tired of it said...

Wait, the bus is going off the cliff and we're all dying? Including me? I am taking their lives as in they will die without suffering? I'm confused. Or I can save them?