Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Inner strength has always been a tell tale sign of a true hero. Of course there are those who think that a hero is someone with a gun, gigantic muscles and the desire to shoot and punch anything within range. And although some of these things might be helpful in a heroic situation, i am speaking on a more profound level. And the previous description doesn't really make it much farther than the surface.

I would define a hero as someone who restores hope to a people. I would say someone children want to grow up to be, but in most cases that is usually a princess or a super spy. So no. Although princess's are really hot. And super spy's, well they're cool. but since neither are real in the way we and Hollywood portray them, they don't really help express my point.

So I would say that a true hero is someone more towards the Martin Luther King Jr. area. Or Gandhi. Not the one that lives in North Andover and hangs out with me, the skinny, peaceful one with glasses.

These people are able to stand in the face of hatred and fear and say no. They provided a voice to the silenced. They truly believed that no matter what was done to them or their people, no matter what happened, they were still victorious in their efforts. And that is what made them heroes.

Now Play some of that inspirational yet climactic montage music and read that part again. it really portrays it nicely.

This post really doesn't have a point, but it was saved in my drafts and I and against the deleting of ideas. So enjoy my trash. And as always, if you don't like it, don't read it. If I was doing this for you every post would just be a giant picture of you wearing a helmet and licking windows.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I have decided to continue writing the angry letters due to the various forms of enjoyment expressed to me from my readers. However today I am going to mix it up a bit. On the drive home from work today I was thinking about a different form of letter I have been thinking about writing. It is completely serious and I promise not to make any cynical or sarcastic comments throughout the letter. This is something i take very seriously. If you will, use your imagination and read the letter as if it were being read by a young girl. For the effect to make sense. I hope you enjoy it.

Dear Santa,

I know it isn't Christmas time yet but since I have been good all year I was thinking it would be OK for me to write to you now. I know I ask for presents every year and I know you try really hard to make them for me and all the other children with the elves. But this year I want something else. And I want you to read this letter first before everyone else's because it's a tuffy. I am really scared Santa and I know that if anyone can help me it's you.

Mommy and Daddy fight all the time and I think you should fix that first. Mommy says that if Mr. Obamma becomes president that we wont be able to live in our house anymore cuz he wants too much money from us. But daddy says that if Mr. Mccain becomes the president that he will lose his job to the 'Wet Backs'. I don't know who they are but I don't like it when daddy talks about them. Today mommy told me that daddy was going to live with Uncle Mike for a while because him and mommy had a fight and Uncle Mike was gunna make things better. I know that she wasn't telling the truth cuz she was crying, and mommy fibs when she cries.

I don't know what to do Santa. Mommy says we can't go to the park a lot cuz it's too expensive to drive. And daddy wont play with me at Uncle Mikes cuz he has to do work at home now too. He said his boss didn't have enough money for all of Daddy's work friends, so daddy is doing their work for them to save his boss some money. Santa mommy and daddy haven't been very nice to each other. they keep telling me everything will be OK, but I can hear mommy crying at night. And daddy drinks his smelly juice more than he used to. He yells at mommy over the phone a lot, and yesterday he yelled at me too. Santa I didn't want to cry when daddy yelled but i had to. So Santa what I really want for Christmas this year is this. I want you to make mommy and daddy happy again. So first you have to make daddy's job easier and give his friends their jobs back. then you have to tell Mr. Obamma that mommy and daddy cant afford to pay for his taxes. And then you need to tell Mr. Mccain that those people with wet backs that daddy doesn't like, can't have his job and Mr. Mccain needs to make them go back to their homes. And finally you have to make mommy's car not spend so much gas when we drive, or you could make the gas people ask for less money.

Santa all these people are making mommy and daddy not happy and I don't like it. So will you please help me Santa. I don't want mommy and daddy to fight anymore. Can you make all these bad things go away so my parents will love me again?

Love, Hope

Sunday, September 14, 2008


For all of you out there sitting at home ready and willing to just drop Tom Brady and move on to Matt Cassell like the sheep you are, I have something to say to you. May death come swiftly. For you are turning your backs on the next messiah. You are leaving behind your faith, your hope and your love for all that is good in this world. And trust me, when this world goes to shit and goes descends from heaven to tell us that only those faithful to the all powerful TB will be accepted, you wont be so eager to turn your backs then, will you sheep? But know this my conformist friends, Every morning our great leader wakes up to the sounds of angels singing, drinks the blood of his enemies and eats pure awesome. But that is not all, his morning constitution is composed of the chemical equivalent of...... what other teams are made of. You may now see him as that guy who used to be the greatest quarter back that ever lived. But you my friends, are wrong. And remember, no matter what happens, no matter what you think and no matter what you see. When the time comes for us to be delivered to our maker, Those of us loyal to the divine Tom Brady will be rewarded, and you... sheep will be lost to the void. Do not forget these words. Sheep.
Seeing as how the angry letters worked so well in their debut i have decided to try them again and see if a return appearance works just as well. If so I am thinking about making them a weekly event. While also, of course, complaining and moaning about how stupid people are. So here is a second set of letters I have composed. However these were written for my own pleasure as opposed for that of someone else.

Dear Gas executives,

First of all I would like to say that I wish very strongly each and every one of you rendered impotent in some horrific chemical accident, of course involving the very gas that has made you bastards rich. Like a very destructive irony. There are not words that can describe the happiness something like that would bring me. My reason for sending you this letter was not, in fact, to write the very vulgar and emotionally agonizing words you so greatly deserve. And even though I have smeared toxic and terribly brutal poisons all over this letter in an attempt to kill you, that is merely a secondary objective. The primary reason for my sending this letter was to pitch a new advertisement idea in which all of the gas companies across the world come together. Imagine, if you will, men standing around a solitary woman in a makeshift circle. Each of the men is wearing a black polo, each bearing the logo of a different companies name. And the woman is wearing a white t-shirt with the word "consumer" written across the chest. She then says politely; "excuse me, I am rather hungry and quite thirsty, do you think you maybe could spare some food and if it's not too much trouble something to drink?" And all at once the men standing around her viciously kick the woman until she is unable to move, take her jewelery, purse, and all other belongings and leave her for dead. I think it is a brilliant idea and I think it portrays your methods very accurately. Take some time to think it over and if any of you remain alive after the poison sets in, please contact me to express your opinion on the matter. Thank you very much.

Sincerely, the harbinger of your doom

Dear America On-Line

I would like you to know that you are doing a great job with keeping people in touch with each other. I use your product often and I have to say that my amount of complaints is minimal. And for those who know me that is not something experienced often by me. However i do have one thing i would like to say to you. What the hell were you thinking with the god damned smileys ass-holes? Are they really necessary? And even on the rare occasion that someone does use them, do you really think they get the job done? Lets take a look at the emotional range of smileys you pricks thought would be useful. For starters we have the winking smiley. i have never felt so uncomfortable in my life as I did when i received one of those. I have never been raped, but thanks to you guys a have a pretty good idea of what it's like. Next we have the crying smiley. Honestly i think this one is a result of getting too close to the winking smiley. Next we have the blushing smiley. What the hell is wrong with this one? It looks like it is sitting on a dryer. Jesus people kids are using these things. You are the people responsible for 13 year old girls starting pregnancy cults. After that we have the happy smiley. This one looks like it just snorted an ounce of Valium, coke, red bull and fun dip. And people wonder where kids learn about drugs. Hidden messages anyone? And finally, since I honestly can't remember anymore not that I think I want to, we have the 'ooh' smiley. Unless i am mistaken that is the universal sign for, "I have no gag reflex". You people make me sick. So go home, think about how much you suck, come back to work, design a more refined group of smileys, and god dammit make a wider variety. There are more then 6 emotions people.

Sincerely, Someone with nothing better to do

Dear Math

First and foremost, stop being such a little bitch. There is no reason you have to be this hard. And honestly, I think it's time to get over the fact that 9 times out of 10, no one is ever going to use you once they leave school. It is just a fact of life. And also, stop making shit up. X will never be larger than any number, want to know why? X isn't a god damned number. You just couldn't get over the fact that you suck, you made a deal with English and now you are making letters into numbers. Well i got news for you jackass, I'm not buying it, so pack up, get on a train going 35 miles an hour to Shut the hell up and figure out how the hell long it will take you to get there ass hole. No one will ever love you as much as lunch, just accept it.

Sincerely, Everyone

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Angry Letters

Some time ago I was with a friend who was down on her luck and in an attempt to cheer her up and resolve her problem I vowed to write her a series of angry letters with a comedic undertone, posing as her of course. These letters weren't going to be sent anywhere, just to be shared between the two of us. So i finally got around to writing them and was so proud of my work that I decided to share them with whoever felt they could take time out of their 'incredibly busy' day, selfish pricks. So here they are. There are three. And remember I am very proud of them and if you don't enjoy them then you can die, or just not read my blog of the former doesn't fit into your very busy life. Jerks.

Dear Nazi’s…. I mean Gatorade

I have recently come to the conclusion that you have felt it necessary to discontinue a certain flavor of your sports drink. Seeing as how you probably discontinue dreams… I am sorry, flavors all to often you most assuredly do not know of which I am referring. But seeing as how every moment I think about you and your company I get ill I will make this quick and get to the point. The flavor you Discontinued was titled Green Apple. A heavenly flavor with the bitter fore taste and the immediate sugary sensation all relative to the most popular fruit there is, apples. I apologize for speaking down to you I just have the feeling that since you are unable to recognize and decent flavor that you may be mentally handicapped. If I am wrong I am afraid my utter disgust for you will not permit me to apologize. If I am right, however, I am afraid all I can say is, ha hahaha haha ha ha ha. So if you are going to take anything away from this letter let it be this. I hope you all are left void of your loins and develop serious and painful illnesses resulting in either death or physical deformity. That is all, burn in hell.

Sincerely, A disgruntled and dangerous consumer

Dear Ben and merely by association, Jerry,

It has come to my attention that you no longer produce the flavor Bovinity Divinity. On your website in your “flavor graveyard” section which was so blandly and obnoxiously named, probably by Jerry. I found your “crypt” in which you list your relinquished flavors and read the ‘eulogy’ for this divine flavor. It was there that you wrote and I quote “was it too sweet or were those little cows simply too cute to eat?” I must say that you both should be ashamed of yourselves for hiring whatever hack writer to compile such a horrid attempt at humor. Ben, I have always found you attractive and to be an all around wonderful person. So it is with a heavy heart that I must say you disgust me I fear that from this point forward I may get sick whenever I think of you. Jerry, I can’t say I am surprised and quite simply I expected no less from a low-life like yourself. I think that it is safe to say that I will never be purchasing another pint, quart or any measurement of you ice cream again, and under the circumstances I think you can for all intents and purposes, eat shit and die.

Thank you for hearing my complaint, a dissatisfied and now former customer

Dear Eric,

I am writing to inform you that due to your lack of sensitivity and caring towards me during my time of weakness, also known as prom season, I have called the Mexican government and informed them of your whereabouts letting them know that you are in this country illegally. They, in turn, have contacted your local citizenship authorities and INS agents will be intercepting you soon. They will then take you to the Mexican border where the US border patrol will escort you to the nearest prison where you will spend a rather large amount of time having eaten several babies in your homeland on top of 3 counts of ‘being a dick’. Just so you are aware you will be subjected to serious amounts of anal penetration by men who will be staring at you hungrily from the moment you arrive at the prison. And for the record had you done the right thing or better yet, the human thing, I very well may have rocked your wild after prom exposing you to pleasures you may never experience elsewhere in life. However since you decided to be a gigantic penis face I believe that you will walk the streets of Mexico never knowing what a real woman can do to you in bed aside from what your local array of female animals can provide you with. Have a wonderful life, and don’t forget that my vagina was probably the only human one you may have ever come into contact with. Enjoy fucking goats, burn in hell.

Most angrily and with immense hatred, the girl that would have ridden you like a baboon in heat, dick weed

Monday, September 8, 2008

Is it sad, interesting or just plain wierd?

Late last night while admiring the rather unwelcome heat wave I found myself writing the eulogies of my loved ones. My first reaction was to check myself into a psych ward. Then i realized I don't care in the least bit if I am crazy and I am certainly not going to check myself into a nut house over something that, quite honestly, doesn't bother me in the least bit. Also knowing that it may very well bother the people around me, mainly the people I writing about in the first place, made me feel even better about what I was doing. However this doesn't mean I want any of these people to die. Leave me alone and lose their ability to speak, yes. But not death, that's reserved for people like politicians and girlfriends fathers.

But to resume my rant for the day, I became very aware of things to come and a wave of emotion, however unlikely that may seem, slapped me in the face. Much like the prom queen would if I told her she was a total sellout. Or maybe even a future starter wife/gold digger with no future of her own other than a sad pathetic existence composed of nothing more than the raising of her children. Accompanied by an almost certain divorce from the husband that isn't marry her for love. Just sex. And maybe an alibi. Maybe. If you are reading this and you are, will be or were a prom queen just consider this a warning. For further looks into your future please contact me via email which is posted somewhere on this web-page. For complaints feel free to contact my complaint center at 1-978-382-5968. And for those of you looking for the secret hidden in today's message, open your phone and translate the last 7 digits of the number I just gave you.

After that feel free to continue reading, or if you have been offended there is no pressure. I have no real feelings of regret, or anything else for that matter. So if you are just reading to feed my ego, I am full and you are free to go. For those of you that haven't been weeded out by my rigorous selection system please continue reading below.

Once I finished writing the first, which for those of you that are interested was for my father, I stooped immediately to think about what I had written. I realized by this point that what I was doing was, for lack of a better word, weird. But it told me something. Having written this and not really thinking about it gave me some insight as to how I really felt towards my father. Which up until this point I figured was mild distaste sprinkled with a dash of aggravation and resentment. Although each of the previous feelings are true and still play a part in how i feel about him, I realized something else. I had a lot of wonderful things to say about him. It is very true that upon someones death we all have regrets. So long as we know that person. Unless you were the cause you never really feel bad about someone you didn't know dying. i mean there are exceptions but you get the general idea. And if you don't then leave. I am not sure how you evaded my very precise selection process but go away, you are not worthy of my words.

Anyways. When someone dies we realize all the things we wished we had gotten to do with them while they were alive. We miss the good things and ultimately over look the bad. We revert back to a time where we never said things behind peoples back, or for some to their faces. We become purified, and for that moment think only of good things. Even though it may have a sad or regretful undertone, the things we wish we could have accomplished are all good. So in death we realize all the good in our hearts and even if it is just for that moment we experience forgiveness and love. Death may be one of the most depressing things on this planet, and I will never be one to say otherwise. But in death we realize things about ourselves that we should never forget. it could very well make us better people. We just have to go to a lot of funerals. And if need be a few wakes, but don't over do it. Bad things may happen. Too much of a good thing is bad, it can be catastrophic. Enough death in your life and we are looking at a very large flock of serial killers. And I really don't want that blood on my hands. So relax people, really, just chill out and stop trying to make me look bad. You guys are so selfish, it makes me sick.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Can you handle the truth?

I have discovered a rather valuable tool for discovering things about people that you may never find out otherwise. This tool is a question, a question that despite its seemingly harmless composure provides a rather powerful result. However be wary that you may hear things you don't want to know about the person you are speaking to. Be prepared for things you may never have expected. Now that I have provided a sufficient amount of suspense I suppose I can tell you what this magical question is. Are you ready? Do you think you can handle this? Can you feel the pure intensity of the knowledge you are about to receive? Sorry. Here it is.

Consider this situation. You are on a bus, this bus is filled with a wide variety of people including children, elderly, murderers, rapists, humanitarians, members of the peace core and by this point I am sure you get the point. The bus is going to drive off of a cliff, by accident. you and you alone are aware of this. As far as everyone else is concerned this is a normal bus ride and they are all going to make it to their destination on time without any problems. You know who the good people are as well as the bad, you are aware of their crimes and achievements. There is no way for you to stop the bus and if you say anything about the accident the only result will be everyone assuming you are crazy. You do however have the power to take the lives of those around you without causing them pain or their being aware. Now here is the question. What do you do? If you take their lives, whose do you take if any? If not why?

I guarantee you look at the person differently starting the second they answer the question.

Have fun.

Well here's a surprise

Among the many, many things in this world that make me furious and sometimes even nauseas there is a small collection of things that I enjoy. I must apologize, however, this is probably going to be my shortest post ever. That was a little attempt at humor. And now I am both telling unfunny jokes at my own expense and talking to myself through a diary-like website. If this was a dating site this would be the point where, if you were a girl, you realized that if men like me exist; lesbians are your last hope at happiness. By now you may have realized that I am merely doing this to take up space in an attempt to make me look less depressing when i realize the part about what i enjoy in life, is only about 2 paragraphs long. And now to quote a song that is far before my time and probably far beyond my understanding, let the good times roll.

Writing has always put me at ease no matter what is going wrong in my life. It has a way of putting me at ease much in the same way a warm shower soothes you after a difficult day of work. I have always found some comfort in being able to put a piece of myself into words and occasionally sharing it for the amusement, or better yet aggravation, of others. A large portion of my writing, which i don't do here, is inspired by the books i read. Which is part two of my likes.

Books have always been important to me, and in many ways have made me who I am today. I am relatively picky about the books I read. In my younger years i dabbled in a bit of everything. However it wasn't until I was in eighth grade and I read "Enders Game" by Orson Scott Card that I found my true calling. The book I am referring to is of the science fiction genre. This furthered my interest in this specific area of reading, and later on in my life writing, so I looked a little further into it and expanded my area of enjoyment. I then read the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy by the ever popular J.R.R Tolkien. Who regrettably has been undermined by the also talented Peter Jackson, who did a fantastic job with the movies yet he does not deserve as much credit as he was given and is most definitely not as talented as Mr. Tolkien himself. But that is a rant for another time.

After having read the trilogy I began reading other books of the fantasy genre and discovered i was, in fact. A total nerd. Once I came to terms with this i found the two authors that have inspired almost everything i have written to date, minus all you see here this is 100 percent me and no one else. The two authors I speak of are the inventive John Scalzi and the imaginative Terry Brooks. I was turned on to both, at separate times, by a family member who has a similar taste in literature. I first read "Old Man's War" by John Scalzi which is a Sci-fi book and i fell in love with the idea, the characters and everything else that came with it. I then read the remaining books in the series and I have become a life-long Scalzi fan. After having read these i began writing stories of my own and i have continued ever since. I then read "Armageddons Children" by Terry Brooks which was a sort of futuristic fantasy book and I am currently reading the second book in the trilogy along with other series he has masterminded. His writing has made me envious of him and has shown me that writing is more than just an ability. It is an extension of your creativity, your being and in some ways your soul.

There are some minor things that I enjoy in this life such as music, so long as it has a message even if that message is that there is no message. I enjoy people in general, much like the court system with me you are great until proven worthless. I also love being able to have people close to me that will here out my very much unnecessary rants and will always sit patiently and intently as I read my latest literary creation. I love being able to make people laugh and to be with people who will do the same for me. Other than that I am a rather cynical person who enjoys the misfortune of others so long as it isn't life altering. Unless, of course, it was deserved in one way or another.

And that my avid readers is all for now. And as always, if you don't like what you see that don't mean shit to me.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Religion and... Conformity?

So I have never and will never claim to be a very religious person. I have never read the bible, My train of thought usually wanders on the rare occasion that I go to church, and praying has always seemed a little much for me. I will never tell someone that having faith or that being religious is wrong and I believe it is wonderful to believe in something. However it is my personal opinion that religion was created to bring hope in times of despair, to give people something to believe in when everything else is wrong, and to bring a ray of light in the darkest of times. To this day in many places it still does that, however it does other things as well. From what I know most religions have a deity of sorts. And usually these higher beings preach forgiveness and love. If this is true, then why is it that since the dawn of time no two people of different beliefs have been able to see each other as equals, instead they fight as enemies. I am, of course, exaggerating and I am well aware that there are people all over of different beliefs and religions that live in harmony together. But there are all too many of those who don't, and i am about fed up with it.

In what church do you hear a priest say that the jews have forsaken us all? In what synagogue have you heard that the Muslims are the epitome of all evil? If you read far enough into any of the original scripts of any religion, you will see all of this. These beliefs may bring hope and peace to the few, but they bring hate and rage to the many. How many of us are guilty of being nervous when we see a person of Arabic composure in an airport? Most people are. i have not flown since before then so I cannot judge, but we all do it. It is wrong, but prejudice and a religious superiority complex tell us it is right. I have abandoned my Christian heritage and taken up an ancient Chinese belief known as Taoism. this tells us that the path to nirvana is through one self, and that the higher being you look to in times of need is found within, not above. I do not intend on trying to sell this to any of you, however i would encourage you to see things through your owns eyes and not how you are told to or even how everyone else sees them. Try thinking for yourself, it's a blast.

That's all. And no, I don't care if you disagree.


I apologize for not having written for a while. It has been a rather busy and hectic summer for me, theres no doubt that it was fun however fun takes some serious work. But now that I am here we can revert back to our regularly scheduled bitching and moaning. So let it begin.

I was laying in bed this very evening and was thinking about a few things, one being how MTV makes me 1; hate music, 2; hate television, and 3; want to punch babies. I am sure it has taken some serious work and I know that they weren't always like this. But they have successfully ruined all that was good about music. I of course still love music, I will not however listen to anything that MTV decides to play more than once on the air.

Now it is my opinion that there is no such thing as bad music, Just because you don't enjoy something doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. It is just not something you may find appealing. However, when one plays something continuously it becomes annoying and eventually painful. To top off the incredibly genius procedure they have aggravating pricks decide what musci is played. these people have changed over the years. The first and very possibly worst of these people, was Carson Daily. I believe that his name alone is enough to explain how much of a douche he really was, and to this day still is. I would like very much to say that things from there got worse, however I do not believe that such an action is possible. But to say the least, having One hit wonder rappers and talentless members of boy bands announce who their favorite artists are is not only disgusting, but could also be considered an insult to music itself.

Now at this point I would like to talk about Sellouts. The definition I am speaking of refers to musicians who change their image or their sound or sometimes even both just to make more money and appeal to the "flow" crowd. "Flow" members are people who listen only to the most popular music and change their interests when popular TV hosts tell them to, hence going with the flow. And yes there are those of you that will say "Hey man are you telling me that you would turn down more money? No you wouldn't so don't tell me you would." Here is my response. Yes i would turn down more money if it meant doing something that wasn't really me. Something that I wasn't known for. I am going to school to be a teacher asshole, I am the wrong fucking person to talk to about money. Music is meant to be played from the heart, successful musicians become that way by playing the music that came to them. Not by playing what someone else discovered. And I know not everyone can be original, but they can at least make it seem like they tried. And before you respond to this you should know, that if you decide to comment on how you like MTV or TRL, or if you think that N'SYNC, Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers are "Super Great". I am fine with you having opinions, but if you share those specific ones with me; I will find you and attack you with a hammer. And if you think I wont, try me.

For right now thats all for me. This is rant enough for the time being. I hope you enjoyed it. And if not as always, go to hell.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


there is a lot to be said about relationships today. And honestly theres no way to get a straight answer and that is because there is no way to experience the good and the bad and have a leveled opinion on the subject. if a relationship is bad enough it can destroy your perspective on everything. i am not going to explain my perspective, again because i am biased just like the rest of the world. so stop asking you shit head. anyways, it is my personal opinion that relationships have the potential the be the greatest thing in the world as long as they are kept separate from everything else in life. because it is the other factors in life; friendships, family life and everything else thats important to you that destroy relationships. but only when they are melded together.

honestly i think that until marriage becomes a factor the only glimpse your "signifigant other" should have into your life, should be your family. and maybe, MAYBE if you feel really comfortable with this person and you are sure things will work out perfectly, you can then introduce them to your friends. but this should only be allowed if you are going to be able to focus on all parties at once. honestly, you can't buy two puppies, play with them both separately, but when they are together only pay attention to one. yeah i used an analogy, deal with it jackass, or better yet if you don't like it stop reading my friggen blog because ur ugly and i hate you.

so it comes down to this. if you are in a relationship, thats great. if your partner melds well with your friends thats stupendous. but if they don't, save yourself the trouble of having an issue break out. leave the ball on the field. make time for one and time for another. it has been said that relationships are the epitome of all evil, and it has also been said that they are all that can be trusted in life. the latter can be true, so long as you establish a grounds on which to walk. if not then the former is your guy. but trust me. make your love life a blessing, not a curse. do as i say. i know what i'm talking about. and if you think you can do better, go make your own blog, and do better so i can make fun of you for being a totally waste of space you fuck. there i blogged read it. i'll do it again when i feel like it. so deal.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Do you know who i am

So yesterday i was driving down the street perpendicular to mine on my way to pick up a friend and get something to eat. there was a pot hole in the road, so obviously i moved to the other side of the street to avoid it. While doing so a bicyclist was riding in the middle of the road coming towards me. He clearly sees me but decides to stand his ground, so i swerve out of the way to avoid him. I'm assuming as a way of showing his appreciation he decided to flip me off. Well. That wasn't going to fly with me. So i make the 3 pointer, fly by him, and cut him off at the pot hole. I casually step out of my car and proceed to scream at this arrogant prick while grasping the collar of his shirt. the conversation went as follows:

Me: "hey jackass come here." (i grab his collar and point to the pot hole)(keep in mind he was like 4'3" and really small, if he was bigger than me i would have let it go, but I'm a bully so it's ok.) "what is that in the road."

Biker: (after a long pause and me asking the question 3 more times.) "it's a pot hole, get off me man I'm sorry alright."

Me: "Do you know what potholes do to cars? o i don't think so cuz you're too cool for four wheels you use two. Well they are bad for cars which is why i avoided this particular one asshole. Now Why the hell did you decided to flip me off?"

Biker: "i thought you were messing with me man alright i said i was sorry."

Me: "Sorry doesn't cut it, you were straight up ride and you thought well im in the middle of the road but it's ok because i live in north andover so i'm better than everyone else. well listen to this buddy. if i'm gunna mess with you, im not gunna swerve out of the way. i'm gunna run ur ass over, and smile while i'm doing it you rich egocentric prick. now go ride ur bike home and thank god i didn't kick your ass today. and next time remember, cars are bigger than bikes. And the people in them are not friendly. So next time just don't go out you dumb bastard." (I release his collar, casually walk back to my car and drive away with a shit eating grin on my face.

Now, for any and all bikers who might read this. I am very proud of what i have done. I don't need your opinion, because I hate you and you are not real people. If anyone else has a problem with this. Again, i really don't care. Bikers are not only obnoxious, but they are arrogant. especially when theres no one to let them know they can't just do whatever they want. So there. Bite me.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

For so long without success i have tried to explain to plenty of people that I am not against everything in this world, I am not a cynical person, I simply wish that we could live together in this world without having all this hatred and anger fueling our everyday lives. it bothers me to know that someone will wake up tomorrow morning and they will die because someone else felt they were more important. I also have issues dealing with the fact that the people of this "perfect" country feel they have problems that can rival those of the people living in third world countries or in lands of war. It makes me sick to see how selfish and greedy we as a people have become. Money and power have corrupted this world beyond fixing and now we have to lay in this bed of blood and oil the rich and powerful have made for us. And of course they will never have to experience the side effects of the things they have done. Oh what a wonderful system we have created.

I don't have much more to say on this topic and I'm pretty confident that the above words say more than enough. so once again to my non existent readers; if u don't like it or disagree, that sucks.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Seinfeld does it, why can't i?

I am watching the office right now and i must say, i am not impressed. As a matter of fact i want to drive to Steve Carrels house right now and smash a fire hydrant into his crotch. i really have no idea what to right so for the entirety of this blog I am going to talk about absolutely nothing of importance.

For years this question has been bothering me and truthfully i don't think anyone knows the answer. its the one about the two trains leaving different places at the same time one going a set speed, how fast does the other have to go? Who the hell comes up with this shit? is there some disgruntled mathematician who hates life that writes this and grins because he knows some child will forever be turned away from math because of this question therefore resulting in the systematic destruction of their life. Yeah that's really what happens too, its scary shit i know but that's life.

Life itself is just straight up evil. There are so many things in this world that just exist to make peoples lives more difficult. For instance, wind chimes. Let's invent a bunch of really noisy metal things and hang them by strings outside so we know when the wind is blowing, because just stepping outside is just too much of a hassle. Another example of useless shit we allow in this world, throw pillows. How spectacular is having 15 pillows on your bed/couch that you oh so merrily have to remove before you go to bed and put back on once you make it. Such a wonderful invention, however i think i would prefer being flogged.

To wrap up this wonderfully interesting post i'll will finish with bottled water and how god damned expensive it is. Hey let's take the one thing that every person on the planet needs to survive, pollute the shit out of it, then take all of the clean stuff, bottle it, and charge 3 dollars for it. Isn't being a douche bag fun? That conversation, however, leads into how evil corporate America truly is. And i will save that for another rainy day, because today simply isn't dismal enough. But it's close.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

tribute to the box

I think that as someone who hasn't really experienced the wonders and terrors of the world that I have a rather fleeting view of it. I do however understand many of the things around me, which is more than I can say for most of my generation. I understand that even though each year we elect a more bloodthirsty ignorant war pig, we do it with intentions of bettering our lives. I also know that even though we are one of the most hated countries on the planet, we are probably the most fortunate. Despite the fact that I frequently complain about the many things that are wrong with this country and all of it's people, I do understand how fortunate we all are to be here.

My best friend is possibly the most important person in my life. To say the least I think he is the only person in the whole world who knows the real me. He is the exact opposite of me and In many ways represents many of the things in this world that i hate so much. However, he is not something I hate. He may be something i want to choke until his skin turns blue, but despite all of his differences he is one of the greatest people I know.

We recently had a discussion about whether people act on logic or emotion. It is true that in many cases logic is a big part of our decision making process, but I am a firm believer that under certain circumstances hope and emotion drive us to act. He disagreed, he told me that hope is nothing more than a word and that while he would agree that it exists it isn't something that has any effect on our ability to change things in the world. This was one of those moments where choking him was running through my mind, luckily this conversation was through the computer and I am far too lazy to drive to Northeastern to simply choke someone then leave.

I am writing this because at least once a week we have a conversation about something either online or on the phone. And when the subject of him changing something about himself comes up his only response is simply "The box Jake, the box". this of course, for those of you who aren't mind readers, means that everything he enjoys and finds good in life, which is almost nothing, is inside an imaginary box that he lives in. he allows nothing in unless it pleases him, And to make sure that nothing gets in he doesn't like he really limits his entries. it is sad really, but sadly there is nothing I can do about it. so our above conversation about logic and emotion is a perfect example, for his opinions are in the box as well, yet unlike everyone else other peoples opinions that are not his own are not allowed in the box. so in truth this is not really a tribute to the box, but rather a big F-U. And that is all I have for you today, i really hope all of my non-existent readers enjoy this.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Well I figured if you were going to be reading this I may as well write something and dedicate it to you, and the surprisingly interesting conversation we had while scrabbling. Truly it was the last place I would have expected to find someone fun to talk. But that's just me.

It's hard to find people you like for many reasons. Today people only have friends they find socially acceptable and looks seem to mean everything. Meeting someone without actually seeing them is usually deemed "Desperate" and possibly even dangerous, depending on how old you are and whether or not they want to meet at a playground so you can help them find their puppy.

I have found that the meaning of friendship has been forgotten and now your friends are chosen based on what everyone else thinks. What is so important about what everyone else thinks?

This is the part of my post where I continue through the piece and change the subject. Even though there is some relevance between this part and the previous by high school teacher standards this is a big "no-no".

The media is in many ways a wonderful thing. But in my personal opinion its one fatal flaw makes it unacceptable and therefore I find it completely not worth while. The media and celebrities have created an army of preteen peer pressure addicts who seem to think conformity is the only way to be cool. I can't tell you how much its things like this that drive me insane. Now I have talked about this before with people and the general response from most of these mindless media addicts was simply that I must have been one of the losers that didn't fit in. Truth be told I was pretty popular in high school, but i did it without becoming someone I wasn't. I did it without trying to have the Brad Pitt body and the magazine personality, I was just me and people liked it. There's proof, right there, you can be cool, a non-conformist and be yourself all at once.

(hold for applause)

Thank you, thank you. But really, this whole thing just obnoxious. I just can't understand why anyone would want to be something their not. It goes right back the media and how these celebrities and other people unwittingly take control of these incorrigible kids and turn them into self loathing jackasses.

Well that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't...that sucks.

Well Canada i hope you enjoyed it. Sorry but i don't know your name, so I guess Canada will have to do for now.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Politics should be banned

I haven't been focusing on the real reason I created this blog and I would like to apologize for that. So here's something relevant to why this world is a huge kick in the balls.

Every time politics come on the screen I consider curling up in a ball and crying. the run for president is poorly named, something more realistic might be whose the bigger liar. I also believe that even though voting is a rather to the point name its rather misleading. It is true we are voting but in truth what are we voting for, most people believe it is a leader and that is where they are wrong. The real point behind voting is to pick the biggest asshole and hope to god they can make everyone miserable and somehow in the midst of all that make sure to piss off the rest of the world and turn them against us, while simultaneously believing we are better than everyone else. Its a tough job, and thank god we have a surplus of mindless, spoiled, upper-class people to do it. Where would we be without the ignorant they truly provide a great service to this world, it kind of gives you a reason to wake up in the morning and be proud that you can trust your leaders.

For those of you who might not have caught on to that last segment that was bitter hateful sarcasm. And if you disagree I am truly sorry and hope to god that someday you can forgive me for being an intelligent, insightful and yes naive individual.

There have been countless attempts over the years by both my peers and adults to make me believe that it is good to base your entire life around what other people think and that conformity is the only way to succeed in this world. And to those people I have this to say. I respect your opinion and I take pity on your dogmatic, Nazi lifestyle.

I do agree that there are certain circumstances where what other people think can be deemed important but in know what is it understandable to change your personality or personality to please society. Now if there is a required dress code for where you work it's understandable to be like every one else in the way you dress. But as far as who you are as a person, there is no reason why that should ever be altered for any reason other than you feel it is better for you.

And if you are thinking that my thoughts are scattered and none of this is remotely related then I believe you should swan dive of a ledge into a pool of diarrhea. Voting is fine, but voting for s0meone because everyone else is, or because they are the only one in the group that doesn't make you vomit at the mere sound of their voice. That's wrong and it just shouldn't happen. I don't condone not voting, but in truth with the candidates we have to choose from I'm not a big fan of it either. I know its a bit of a Catch 22 and I sound like a hypocrite, but in reality unless you are either really conservative or really liberal, which in either case in my opinion you suck and should be tar and feathered, then voting is nothing more than a choice between getting trampled by elephants or kicked by donkeys.

Thats all for today.
O.K now that I am back from my 2 month writing slump I think I will start this new blog with this.
Conflict has driven millions of people around the world insane and thousands more have developed some sort of clinical depression. I just don't get why so much hatred has to flow back and forth between people. It really is something that bothers me, which brings me to my actual piece of the day. This whole nice guy thing is what I'm gunna be on today for one really big reason. It used to be me.

For years I have been the one in my family, and just in my family I'm totally different when out with friends, who was just that nice like able kid. I went out of my way for everyone, just looked out for all their interests and basically did the whole selfless act thing.

until recently I was somehow, and to this day i still have no idea how and why, labeled the official message carrier and divorce therapist for my parents. which for four years i toughed out and dealt with. I have recently moved out of one house and into another, and in an attempt to make things easier on myself I was attacked, criticized, and pretty much guilt tripped until the cows came home, which they still haven't done by the way...bastards.

So after that one of the two decided that more people needed to be involved and told of my treason, so now more of my family including people I really looked up to and whose company I both enjoyed and needed at this point of my life are against me as well. And it seems even though there are clearly two sides in this battle that every party has their own seperate side as well. So now we have created a massive civil war/feud within my very own family. and ofcourse who takes the brunt of the blame, me.

Now I am in no way saying that I haven't wronged at least one of these people who will remain unamed because when this is read i am going to be recieving enough fire as it is. But that isn't my problem. my problem is that my family, the people whom I look to most when in a time of need are against me. lucky for me this is only a piece if the pie.

For years, the exact amount escapes me at the moment, I have been nothing but helpful to many people. and until recently i expected nothing in return, but now I realize that certain people I was doing things for were just being jackasses about it. for example instead of ask9ing for my help when i came to the house for other reasons i was just expected to help, which wasn't the problem, when I said I was not going to be able to they were so upset and angry they decided to pour on some more bullshit. Great.

So I have decided and already begun to declare that my days of being selfless and prety much just an all around good guy are over. And so far I have gotten one guilt trip, one angered verbal attack, and one parent who decides to belittle me each time I go to his sons house, but that has been the case for years and quite frankly I never liked him.

So this is my official declaration and you my non-existent readers are my witnesses that I say: "thats too bad you should have acted less like manipulative pricks and more like thankful people."